Friday, December 30, 2011

It's a Boy!!!

I know I found out on December 5th and here it is the 30th but we are having a boy! A friend had the cute idea of making a white cake and then adding pink or blue food coloring according to what the baby was. Then the rest of the family had to cut into the cake to find out if they would be bringing home a little sister or brother. My kids loved this!! It made their day and was such a fun way to tell them!


Be Thou Humble said...

What a fun way! You should have heard about this years ago so I could have used it!!! I'll have to give the idea to Tiffany. Nobody knows what she is having yet and she'll have the baby probably in January!

Be Thou Humble said...

P.S. I was SO excited to see you had updated your blog! I knew you would have some fun pictures on there.

Daniels Six said...

Bozie's Back!!! Such a cute idea for the kids. I am so excited for you guys!

carolyn said...

my friend did the same she had her neighbor who is a cake baker to what you did. My friend didn't want to know just yet and wanted it to be a family thing where no one knew. She had twin boys. She posted pics on her blog it was fun to see what the gender was. YAY!! Super happy for you and the family!

Megan and Sean said...

CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!!! How exciting, I just looove babies! Do you guys have a name? Looks like Christmas was a good one in your house this year! I love Ava's Santa present story, isn't that always the way. They want something sooo bad then they figure out maybe it wasn't that cool after all.

The Queen-January 2020

Meeka the Maine Coon Look at this girl! She is the funniest little cat. She follows us around and even begs for treats like the dogs. Sh...