Friday, December 30, 2011

Honor Roll for Jake

Jake made the Honor Roll and was very excited about it. This is his first year at Lakeview Academy and was so happy because he says it's harder than the Elementary school he was attending. (I don't know if it really is but they are required to do more projects and activities than the other school).


Be Thou Humble said...

Great job Jake! Keep it up!!! Sometimes when something is harder we do even better because we have to put forth more effort! Proud of you!

Daniels Six said...

Awesome! I am so glad he likes his new school. Change is sometimes good and Jake looks so happy. Tell him we are so proud of him!

carolyn said...

YAY! WAY to go Jake!! We're super happy for you! Keep up the great work!! Hugs!

The Queen-January 2020

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