Friday, April 20, 2012

Eli Dennis Ralph

Eli Dennis Ralph was born April 15th at 1:16 am. Here's his story. We all decided to get up early on Saturday the 14th and get all the housework and yardwork done. Then we thought we'd go to the movies together. Of course half way through the movie I started contracting quite intensely but we waited it out and took the kids home. At 8 pm I decided I'd better go to the hospital since the contractions were still coming every two minutes and were still intense. Dr. Lamereaux happened to be there and decided that since I was in early labor and had high blood pressure it would be best to break my water and get little Eli here. I got my epideral around 10pm and of course the contractions slowed to every 3 or 4 min. They decided to give me a bit of pitosin at midnight and when the nurse checked me at 12:50 she was shocked that I was completely thinned and dilated over a 5. She came back at 1:10 and immediately called the doctor and Eli was born 6 minutes later! He is a beautiful little boy, weighing 7 lbs and 13 oz. and was 19 and a half inches long. He has lots of hair and a cute little pear-shaped head with the fattest little cheeks. He has a cleft in his chin and ears like his dad. And just recently we discovered he has dimples like Dennis as well. We are all so in love with this little guy and the kids have had a hard time going to school because they want to be with him.


Be Thou Humble said...

What a cutie! I'm so excited that he has a cleft and dimples! Tanner's my only cleft chin and Annaka has a dimple on one side! Glad you got his story on here before you forgot! I can't remember details of my kid's birth--have to look them up!

Daniels Six said...

So grateful that this birth was so much better than Ava's. That was scary! I think he is going to have his own little unique look but favor Dennis. Somehow he got my fat cheeks, bless his heart!

HollyIda said...

I can't believe you sat through the entire movie. You crack me up! You, my dear, are an amazing woman. I love you!

The Queen-January 2020

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