Friday, December 30, 2011

Ralph Christmas Eve Party-2011

This year, instead of having the party at Dale and Anita's house, we had it at Don and Jill's. Deborah, Geoff, and Deanna and Russ and their kids were all here for Christmas so it was decided we needed a little more room:) Jill made 3 different soups and people brought appetizers, desserts, rolls ect. The kids re-enacted the birth of the Savior as Grandpa read from the scriptures (Ethan is supposed to be a donkey in that kitty costume). The kids also played the tradition "musical gifts" game. We buy little things at the dollar store and wrap each present 3-6 times and then the kids pass the presents around while music is playing. Once the music stops everyone opens just one layer and so it goes until a name tag is spotted. Then that child opens his gift and the other continue on. The kids live for this game! Grandma did some special sewing for the girls this year. She made each of them their own tissue box cover and they all seemed excited to get one! Grandpa got all the boys BYU shirts! These were a hit as well:)


Be Thou Humble said...

Glad you explained what Ethan was but what is Ava? I don't remember a fairy tale princess in the original story! Whoever she was she was doing it in grand style! Fun tradition. Brittany gathered costumes and made quite some adorable sheep and had a stable made but then they never acted it out. I was sad about that.

Daniels Six said...

I take it Ava and Reagan are Angels?? Those two look like trouble!! So cute. Good job Ethan wearing that cat suit. Most 15 year olds would have refused! Way to get into the spirit of the holiday! Love the grandma and grandpa gifts. So fun.

carolyn said...

What a fun night you all had with family at Jill's. Wonderful christmas tradition of getting together every Christmas! Hopefully one year we'll be able to participate! Hugs!

The Queen-January 2020

Meeka the Maine Coon Look at this girl! She is the funniest little cat. She follows us around and even begs for treats like the dogs. Sh...