Friday, December 30, 2011

Our Decorated Tree

Here's the tree all lit up and decorated. The kids even helped Dennis string the lights this year and had so much fun talking about the origins of all the ornaments. Most years our trees sag by the time Christmas Day rolls around but this little tree held up great and the boughs didn't droop and the ornaments stayed on-mostly (Lacy's tail and Tatty knocked off a few)


Be Thou Humble said...

Apparently Ava picked out a good one then! Maybe she should have the full-time job!! Looks beautiful!

Daniels Six said...

So pretty! This was my first year for colored lights and they actually grew on me!

The Queen-January 2020

Meeka the Maine Coon Look at this girl! She is the funniest little cat. She follows us around and even begs for treats like the dogs. Sh...