I think this is one of Dennis' least favorite things in scouts. He doesn't have the time he needs to really make the cars as fast or as cool looking as the other Dads. The boys, however, love it and don't seem to mind that their cars come in last or second to last every year;) They enjoyed every second of the derby and Miss Ava met up with Finn and had a great time as well.
A really neat thing happened at the derby this year. The man who owns the track brought his teenaged daughter with him to help out. As Dennis and the kids were leaving she went up to Dennis and asked if Brad was his son. She then told him that out of all the derbys she's been to that Brad was the most polite, patient, and respectful boy she has seen. He was smiling ear to ear when Dennis came home and told me.
I love that! We had a little guy come in dead last everytime and he was so positive and happy. We had some big boys who were winning or coming in 2nd and if they didn't they would leave crying. So ridiculous. Good for Brad. It is always so good to hear such great things about our kids. Looks like they get what matters most!
That compliment is worth more than a winning car any day! Tell Dennis sounds like his time has been devoted to where it counts--raising respectful sons!
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