Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ethan's 1st Halloween Dance

Ethan decided to go to the Stake Dance and stewed about what to be for days. It finally came down between "Shaggy" or "Frankenstein's Monster". Obviously he chose the latter. We sprayed his hair black and colored his face, neck, wrists, and hands. We put the bolts on and as I write he is at the dance. I so hope he has fun and that a few of his friends go. When I dropped him off I didn't see many who were dressed up so I hope he has a good time! I was surprised at how excited he seemed for this dance!


Be Thou Humble said...

He looks awesome!!! I hope he has a wonderful time. Tyson is not excited to go to the dances at all yet. He's the first of his friends to turn 14 so he has no buddies for a safety net.

Daniels Six said...

He does look great! I hope he had fun too. Maybe dressed as a character gave him more confidence to ask girls to dance and not only on the girls choice!!! (ha)

Bozie said...

he did have a good time and won a little plastic trophy for "scariest" costume (i guess there were only three given out). sounds like he danced only 3 or 4 slow dances-claims his suit jacket made it too difficult to dance the fast songs. i forgot to ask if he asked any girls on girls choice;) what a kid! ellie, tyson will soon be like ethan-he wasnt interested last year either!

carolyn said...

Hey Ethan!!!!!! That's one AWESOME costume!!!!!!!!!! It really suits you. I think you should dress like that more often. You might wanna add some of your natural white hair too! :D hahahahahaha Great costume though!!
- Chelsea

Gotta love the costume! Very clever Ethan! My kids aren't sure what they'll be for Halloween. Andrew isn't into Halloween anymore he thinks its for the kids! Savannah already has her costume-Cleopatra. Chelsea and I aren't sure yet. Gotta hurry as Saturday is our Ward Halloween Party!! Happy Halloween!! Aunty Carolyn

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