Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dennis and Nichole

Grandpa and Grandma with Dennis and Nichole and their kids, Ethan, Brad, Jake, and Ava.


Be Thou Humble said...

Ashlyn wants to know why you all are looking at her! I want to know why Brad is wearing a necklace AND why on earth you didn't put a plastic tablecloth on your table under all that Easter dye! You are so lucky you only had one spill with that many kidos. My table was a disaster afterwards since the kids wanted to keep mixing colors...(but I did have a plastic tablecloth on mine!) Love ya and your carefree ways!

Daniels Six said...

I think your hair is very lovely even if it isn't as straight. I think I like it better a little carefree. Matches the Bozie spirit. Everyone is looking so grown up. That's what happens when you only see your nieces and nephews a couple times a year. Frowny Face!!

Bozie said...

ashlyn is so cute! brad wears "rock" necklaces quite often and he has a skull too. what can i say, my boys love jewelry(obviously didn't get that from their mother). the table we used is an old table with lots of permanant marker all over it so i wasn't too concerned and the kids did really well.
yes, i have resigned myself to the fact that i just am not meant to have completely straight hair but i'm okay with it.
i so wish we could get together at least once a month so we could see each other and the kids could all grow up together. love you both!

The Queen-January 2020

Meeka the Maine Coon Look at this girl! She is the funniest little cat. She follows us around and even begs for treats like the dogs. Sh...