Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Eye Exam and $400.00 later. . .

Well, Mr. Ethan came home from school two days ago with his glasses in his pocket. Apparently, while playing basketball at school, his glasses were torn from his face and stepped on and completely mutilated.
He needed an eye exam anyway so I made the appointment. His warranty on the frames had just run out (by only 10 days) so he had to pick new frames.
The doctor said his eyes have gotten worse and that has us worried. They seem to be worse at each appointment. The doctor asked Ethan why he signed up for one bad eye and one eye so bad it's off the charts. I asked if there is anything we can do to strengthen his right eye but there doesn't seem to be anything that would help. I even asked if wearing a patch over his left eye would strengthen his right one but he said it wouldn't. I guess "good" eye sight is 20/20 and his right eye is now 20/125 and his left is not "good" either. On a positive note, with his glasses he can see 20/25 with that right eye. I just hope it doesn't get much worse!


Bozie said...
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Daniels Six said...

Poor Ethan! Glasses are such an inconvenience. Blake has been very diligent in wearing his and has taken better care of them than I thought. His eyes aren't very bad yet. What are they thinking will happen with his eyes??

Bozie said...

the doctor said as long as he can see well with glasses or contacts he will be okay but if it gets so bad that glasses won't help, he will not be able to drive.
we are going to try to have him play his playstation with his good eye covered and see if it won't strengthen his right eye (doctor doesn't think so but we have to try something) i thought as long as he wore them faithfully, which he does, it wouldn't get worse but i was wrong.

Daniels Six said...

can they do laser surgery. Paul had that done and doesn't wear glasses or contacts and he had really bad eyes??

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