Sunday, March 10, 2013

Tender Heart

Here's a picture of our Brad with a shovel, which he put to good use a while ago.  We were being hit with a few really good storms (this picture is a make-up one with just a little snow on the ground;).  Our driveway probably had at least a foot and a half to two feet of snow by the late afternoon.  Brad and his friend Mitchell shoveled their own driveways and then decided to help out a few neighbors whose husbands were at work or who were pregnant.  It happened to be the same day as scouts and guess what their leaders decided to do for an activity?  Yup, they shoveled even more driveways.  Poor Brad was physically exhausted when he got home.  He was so spent that he felt sick and was ghostly white.  We had neighbors who really appreciated it though and said on facebook how surprised they were to look out and see two young boys shoveling their driveway.  Sure do love to see young kids helping out!!


Daniels Six said...

That is amazing. Even though he nearly worked himself to death, i am sure the feeling that he felt from doing service was wonderful. So awesome.

Be Thou Humble said...

Way to go Brad!!! We need more willing young men out there!

The Queen-January 2020

Meeka the Maine Coon Look at this girl! She is the funniest little cat. She follows us around and even begs for treats like the dogs. Sh...