Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Actor

Jill's Uncle, T.C. Christensen (filmmaker of "The Work and the Glory", "The Testaments", and "17 Miracles") is working on another pioneer movie. I believe it is a continuation of the movie "17 Miracles.  Anyway, Jill invited us to see Nick (the boy in the black cap) on set.  It was so absolutely cold and they were shooting a scene in the river (I think this is actually a bit of the Utah Lake).  They did this scene in the river over and over.  It's amazing what actors have to go through for a good take! Jill said she's not sure that Nick will make it in the movie. I guess he was a little too happy and excited to be a suffering pioneer but what a neat experience for a kid to have!!


Be Thou Humble said...

We saw the first one...we'll have to watch for the second!

Daniels Six said...

Oh I hope he makes the cut, he looks so cute in that hat and looking all smudgy. It doesn't look fun at all to me and so cold. It was 43 here a couple days ago and I boycotted leaving the house. I did have to relent in the evening but seriously I am a wimp!

The Queen-January 2020

Meeka the Maine Coon Look at this girl! She is the funniest little cat. She follows us around and even begs for treats like the dogs. Sh...