Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pinewood Derby-2013

Here's our Jake with his derby car for this year.  Ethan and Brad no longer do derby cars so Jake was on his own this year.  Dennis always cuts them out and the boys paint and decorate them.  This year Jake chose a spray paint that looked like rock.  After the paint dried, he put googly eyes on the front. I think his award was for the "funniest car" because of the eyes. He came in last most of the time but managed to squeek a couple of third place finishes and one second place. He had a good time and enjoyed the donuts afterward;)

1 comment:

Daniels Six said...

Rick is our scout committee guy and at his meeting last night, he suggested that the boy scouts and any adult make one and compete with less stringent rules. We only have two cub scouts so hard to have a whole day just for them, but after they ran then the others could go. Everyone was excited. Men just love to build and race those cars!! Good job Jake! I love the eyes.

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