Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Model

Jake wanted his hair colored as one of his Christmas gifts. So, while shopping at Wal-Mart we saw their salon and went in. We asked if they colored hair and they said they did. Jake explained that he wanted some blond and bless her heart she did the best she could I guess. He was told at school that it looked like a dog peed on him because there are chunks of blond only on the front part of his head. He said, "I guess we should have tried Fantastic Sams". I guess I should have just taken him to a real salon instead of trying to cheap out on him;) I think he is such a good looking boy that even this can't hurt his looks!


Be Thou Humble said...

He is a good looking boy. I'm not a fan of colors in the boys hair personally but I have pictures of his Dad with bleach blond hair back in the day so I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

Daniels Six said...

Seriously he is just gorgeous! Blake likes to dabble in the color as well but he goes dark. He won't be able to do that anymore since he reacts to it. Vanity might do him in! I think Jake pulls it off!

Bozie said...

yes! dennis used to color his hair all the time. i think that's what started this-jake was looking at photos and saw his dad as a blond and thought he'd give it a try;)

The Queen-January 2020

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