Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Little "Pip"

Well, here we go again!! I must be a sucker for punishment-I just can't say no to my kids (at least not for very long).  Jake has been asking for a puppy pretty much since we had to put Lacy to sleep but recently he has really been begging for one.  Dennis and I felt that maybe he really needs a puppy right now in his young life.  Most 11 and 12 year old boys dream of having a pup so we've been looking the last few weeks for one.  This little guy caught our eye.  He is 8 weeks old, his father is a toy poodle and his mother is a toy chihuahua.  They were both only about 4 lbs so Pip should be a little guy.  He took to Brad the moment he got into the car and loves Jake as well.  He already loves to nibble toes (and Brad's earlobes).  I sure hope I can potty-train this baby while taking care of my Eli, who still needs his momma most of the time (unless Ethan's home;)


Be Thou Humble said...

He matches Jake so it must be meant to be.....GOOD LUCK! I hope it goes well for you!

Daniels Six said...

Such a cutie! I know our puppy has brought us so much love and joy. She is such a sweetheart and the kids all love her. ME TOO Good luck and I hope it goes as easy for you as it did me!

Carolyn said...

adorable puppy! Savannah is dying to go to your house and meet the newest family addition now! She can't wait to meet Pip. Savannah says she is going to call Pip 'pippy." Okay?!? lol Have fun!!

The Queen-January 2020

Meeka the Maine Coon Look at this girl! She is the funniest little cat. She follows us around and even begs for treats like the dogs. Sh...