Friday, August 24, 2012

Double Digits for Jakey Juice!

Jake turned 10 on the 22nd. Since it was the middle of the week, we didn't really do all that much. He wanted a Journey doll from Toys R Us and an outfit for her. He also wanted a chocolate cake with yellow icing and orange sprinkles. (I found out later the reason for those color choices was that he wanted his cake to look like the mermaid tails on "H2O") He also asked me to make shepherds pie with texas toast for dinner. Pretty easy wish list. I felt bad though because it was a pretty rushed evening. Dennis got home around 5:30 and we hurried and sang to Jake as he opened his presents. Then we ate dinner as fast as we could so we could have cake and ice cream before Ethan had to leave for his driving school lesson. And since it was a school night everyone had to go to bed early. He didn't seem to mind the rush and was anxious to play with his new toy, which he did the rest of the evening! (Oh and the top picture is of Jake with his cards from Grandmas and Grandpas)

1 comment:

Daniels Six said...

Tell him I think he still should change the name to Elena!! I am glad he had a fun birthday. Handsome boy!

The Queen-January 2020

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