Thursday, May 31, 2012

Swim Lessons

Dennis decided it was time to teach his two young boys how to swim properly. They know how to stay afloat and can swim a bit but don't know the strokes or have much endurance. So, now that school is out, they are getting up at 5:50 am and going to the Legacy Center to swim with their new coach;) Dennis is the best Dad!! He is giving up his own work out time in the morning to help his boys. It's only been two days and Dennis says he has seen improvement already and that they just need to practice.


Be Thou Humble said...

Good they'll be ready to swim with their cousins at the apartment!

Daniels Six said...

Love that! I think all kids love it when their parents spend time with them. So glad Dennis is able to do that. They sure are cute!

Dennis said...

hopefully we can keep it up! maybe you could join us one day

The Queen-January 2020

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