Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Who the Heck is Joshua Chamberlain??

Brad had to read a biography and do a poster on the book he chose. He chose to read about Joshua Chamberlain, a teacher from Maine, who became a great leader for the North in the Civil War. Being from Maine you'd think I would have heard of this man but I cannot remember ever learning about him. Brad and I loved reading about his character and bravery and how without him the North would most likely have lost the war. He was saved many times in unexplainable ways and it really was neat to read of this remarkable man. The Lord was definitely mindful of him!!


Be Thou Humble said...

I've never heard of him either but he sounds like someone worth looking up! I'll have to see if I can find a book on him to read to the kids! Good job on your poster Brad!

Daniels Six said...

Look at the baby swing in the back!! Even though I don't love school projects because I have to be involved, the kids learn a lot when they research the topic. Looks great Brad!

The Queen-January 2020

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