Thursday, January 6, 2011

"Rotten Eggs"

I think I've written about "Rotten Eggs" before, but here we go again. This is a game my parents played with me and my siblings when we were young. One parent is a "seller" of eggs and gives each "egg/child" a color (unknown to the other parent). The other parent is a "buyer" and comes in to buy the "eggs". The buyer has to guess colors and when he/she guesses the color of an egg, that egg gets to swing. Dennis and I used to throw the eggs onto a couch but somehow the game has ended up in our room so we throw them on our bed. If the egg is placed on the floor instead of being thrown on the bed, it is a "rotten egg" and everyone runs away holding their nose, pretending that "egg" is the stinkiest thing ever. Kids just love this game and never want it to end. Ethan is too big now but we had him pose for a picture- just for fun!


Daniels Six said...

Amen sister! We stopped doing that game a while ago. Even the boys were getting to big for my back to handle. They like to play Don't Eat Pete now. Fun memories.

Be Thou Humble said...

We're still in the Rotten Eggs stage and will be for awhile! Hopefully, they'll do it with their kids!

The Queen-January 2020

Meeka the Maine Coon Look at this girl! She is the funniest little cat. She follows us around and even begs for treats like the dogs. Sh...