Sunday, November 7, 2010

At Hunter's Baptism

Here's the Ralph group (minus Dennis) after Hunter was baptized, Saturday, November 6th. Poor Dennis wasn't able to come with us. He was in charge of our ward baptisms at the same time. Hunter's baptism was absolutely beautiful and the Spirit was so strong throughout the entire meeting. Little McKenna gave a talk on baptism and did amazing. Hunter also asked his cousin Whitney to speak on the Holy Ghost and she also gave a very touching talk. Grandpa Merrill baptized and confirmed little Hunty and blessed him to read his scriptures and that his heroes would come from those stories. He blessed him with a very powerful blessing-I wish I had written it as it was given.
I also wish I had taken more pictures of all the families but everyone was in a hurry to get to the Shaw residence for taco salad and cake! It was a touching, unifying day for our family.
Oh yes, I cut my hair and feel so much better. Long hair and I have forever parted company!


Daniels Six said...

I love how Jake is buttoned all the way to the top. Morgan used to do that and no matter what I said she had that button done. I am so glad it went well for Hunter. We need to move closer so we don't miss these special occasions. I like your short hair, you are someone who pulls it off better than long hair! See you soon!!

Bozie said...

thanks! i wish you and ellie were closer for all of these special family moments. i didn't know that about morgan-jake refuses to show his neck:) i like my hair better short too-i feel so much better about myself. can't wait to see you all in a month!!

Be Thou Humble said...

So fun to see the updates! I like you better with short hair as well. Be glad you can pull it off. I think my memories of short hair has scarred me forever from going short. I'm sure how I'm going to do in Utah in December. I was FREEZING tonight and it's only 60 something!!!

The Queen-January 2020

Meeka the Maine Coon Look at this girl! She is the funniest little cat. She follows us around and even begs for treats like the dogs. Sh...