Friday, September 10, 2010

Potty-training for the Last Time!

My little Angel, my little Wolf, is on the road to true independence! Yesterday was the first day and it didn't go so well. She had 4 accidents but I think it was because she had to leave the house and go with me and the brothers to piano lessons. And then she went to play with friends in the backyard and was too busy to come in. But today has been wonderful! We even went to Grandma and Grandpa Merrill's house and she hasn't had even one accident! She took her little Dora toilet seat with her and when she's at home she doesn't even need me to help her. I can't believe we are almost through with diapers. Yay!


Be Thou Humble said...

You better hide this picture when she's older! Brittany is mortified of the one I took of her! (But she was so cute sitting backwards with her hair going crazy everywhere!!!)

Bozie said...

i know! i can just picture brit as a little thing with her long blond hair-i think it's funny that she sat backwards:)
today is day 3 and no accidents-she even fell asleep for over an hour and woke up dry!!

Daniels Six said...

I always dreaded the potty training. It is such a relief when it is over! She is such a cutie.

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