Saturday, March 13, 2010

15 Wonderful Years

(WARNING: This might be a little too mushy for some of you). Dennis and I celebrated our 15 year Anniversary on March 11. Of course we both forgot (again) until I went to the mail and found a card from Joan and Clair (Dennis' parents). I thought "I wonder why they are sending a card to both of us". and then it hit me. I called Dennis to see what he had planned for the night and he said he didn't have any meetings. So I waited until he came home to show him the card. We had a good laugh-we are both so forgetful! I can't tell you how in awe I am that he loves me. He is such a good, good man with a heart and love for all people. He never sees any faults in people, including me and is so thoughtful and kind. He shows me everyday that I'm in his thoughts and is such a good example to our children of what a loving husband is. Anyway, I'm very grateful for such a fun, warm and caring companion to be with always and look forward to the years and eternity ahead. Oh, and we did go out, just the two of us and had a wonderful time.


Daniels Six said...

Bravo!! You guys are so funny! I am glad you went out on a date. I really think that is such a huge part of keeping romance alive in marriage. I hope my girls will look for the qualities you listed in a husband and not get caught up in the wrapping. Lucky for us we got some good wrapping as well. HA HA

Bozie said...

you are so right. we did get very handsome men who happened to fall in love with us little farm girls. i hope all our kids find kind spouses!

The Queen-January 2020

Meeka the Maine Coon Look at this girl! She is the funniest little cat. She follows us around and even begs for treats like the dogs. Sh...